

Surprising news, the son continued to receive pension by keeping his father's body on a chair


A strange incident in California: 1

Today we will continue to inform you of the latest news. This news is being given to you from the city of California in the United States of America, where a very surprising incident happened where a person killed his father to get facilities from his property.  The body was hidden.

The body was tied to a chair: 2

And tied the body on top of a chair in a room, while according to international media reports, California police say that we found several old decomposed bodies in a house.

Died in 2016 : 3

While Ed Friend last signed his checks in 2016, his sons continued to receive money from their dead father until his death, investigators said. His son assumed the identity of his dead father.

Investigators said: 4

And he was living on his crooked father's wealth when his son found out that his father was dead, he left his father in the same chair and continued to use his money after such a long time.  People had forgotten him, if his son Baby had been alive, the body would have been lying on the chair.

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